I received a very long polite email from Cult TV telling me that there has been a regretful error in labeling the convention photos and that in fact the "memorabilia-gate" that I posted about on Friday (May 2nd) never really did happen. I was also asked to take my blog post down.
For the time being I will comply with Cult TV's polite request. However I have my doubts here. For one thing it is interesting to me that my email to Cult TV pointing out the discrepancy on the memorabilia was never replied to. But my reason for doubting is because their email contained at least one piece of information that to the very best of my knowledge I know to be a fallacy, having an email from Cult TV of 2007 that disproves and contradicts that very fact. (And that email from Cult TV was forwarded to me by the actor here in question)
Pending more information, there is no way for me at this time to know exactly what went down in England concerning the matter that I previously posted about. By respect for Cult TV's kind request, I am suspending my blog post. Shall I find out more information in either direction, I'll make sure to post it here.